僶働僆僯僇僋儗僂僆 Pyramodon lindas Markle and Olney, 1990乮傾僔儘栚僇僋儗僂僆壢乯
丂傾僔儘栚僇僋儗僂僆壢嫑椶偼嶰戝梞偺壏懷偐傜擬懷偺愺奀偐傜怺奀堟偵峀偔暘晍偟丆悽奅偱偼8懏35庬偑丆偦偺偆偪擔杮偱偼6懏13庬偑抦傜傟傑偡乮Markle丆1999丟棔郪丒搚嫃撪丆2013; Nelson et al., 2016; Eschmeyer and Fong, 2018乯丏杮壢偼懱偑嵶挿偔丆忋庡忋妠崪傪寚偔偙偲丆攚昲偲鋅昲偺婎掙偑挿偄偙偲丆汨栧偑懱偺慜曽偵埵抲偡傞偙偲側偳偑摿挜偱丆巈嫑婜乮儀僋僔儕僼傽乕婜乯偵偼挊偟偔怢挿偟偨攚昲戞1昲忦傪傕偪傑偡乮Markle, 1999丟墦摗丆2018乯丏杮壢嫑椶偼“僇僋儗僂僆”偺柤偺偛偲偔丆僫儅僐傗僸僩僨丆擇枃奓椶偺懱撪傪惐傒張偲偡傞庬偲丆帺桼惗妶傪偡傞庬傪娷傒傑偡乮Markle丆1999乯丏 傑偨丆杮壢嫑椶偼塸柤偱Pearlfishes偲屇偽傟丆柺敀偄偙偲偵丆梴怋恀庫梡偺擇枃奓偱偁傞僔儘僠儑僂僈僀偺撪晹偐傜丆恀庫憌偵僐乕僥傿儞僌偝傟偨僇僋儗僂僆壢偺堦庬 [儂僜僔儞僕儏僇僋儗僂僆Onuxodon fowleri 偺壜擻惈偑崅偄] 偑曬崘偝傟偨偙偲傕偁傝傑偡乮椦傎偐丆2004乯丏
丂僇僋儗僂僆壢偼Pyramodontinae垷壢丆Carapinae垷壢丆偦偟偰 Tetragondacninae垷壢偺3垷壢偵暘椶偝傟丆僆僯僇僋儗僂僆懏Pyramodon偼Pyramodontinae垷壢偵娷傑傟傑偡乮Nelson et al., 2016乯丏僆僯僇僋儗僂僆懏偼丆彌崪偵1杮偺戝偒側將帟傪傕偮偙偲丆暊昲偑偁傞偙偲丆攚昲婲晹偑鋅昲婲晹偺捈忋偐偦偺慜曽偵埵抲偡傞偙偲丆偦偟偰抰嫑婜偵偼挊偟偔嵶挿偔側偄偙偲側偳偑摿挜偱偡乮Markle, 1999乯丏尰嵼杮懏偵偼丆師偺4桳岠庬偑娷傑傟傑偡丗僆僯僇僋儗僂僆Pyramodon ventralis Smith and Radcliff, 1913, P. punctatus (Regan, 1914), 僶働僆僯僇僋儗僂僆P. lindas Markle and Olney, 1990, P parini Markle and Olney, 1990丏僶働僆僯僇僋儗僂僆偼丆Markle and Olney (1990) 偵傛偭偰丆杒惣僆乕僗僩儔儕傾偺悈怺栺300亅326 m偱摼傜傟偨5昗杮偵婎偯偒婰嵹偝傟丆嫻昲昲忦悢偑21亅25偱偁傞偙偲丆攚昲偲鋅昲偺墢曈偑崟偄偙偲丆鋅昲婲晹傛傝慜曽偺攚昲昲忦悢偑11亅18偱偁傞偙偲側偳偺摿挜偐傜丆摨懏懠庬偲幆暿偝傟傑偡乮Machida and Okamura, 1993丟Markle, 1999乯丏杮庬偼丆帺桼惗妶傪偡傞庬偱丆偙傟傑偱偺偲偙傠丆僀儞僪偺儅儞僫乕儖榩丆僆乕僗僩儔儕傾杒娸丆撿僔僫奀丆偦偟偰搚嵅榩偐傜抦傜傟傞偺傒偱偡乮Markle and Olney, 1990; Machida and Okamura, 1993; Markle, 1999, 2000丟棔郪丒搚嫃撪丆2013; Joshi et al., 2016乯丏擔杮偐傜偼丆Machida and Okamura (1993) 偵傛偭偰搚嵅榩偐傜摼傜傟偨7昗杮偑曬崘偝傟偰埲棃丆杮庬偺嵦廤婰榐偼側偄傛偆偱偡乮Machida and Okamura, 1993; 棔郪丒搚嫃撪, 2013乯偝傜偵丆僶働僆僯僇僋儗僂僆偼丆惉挿偵敽偄暊昲婲晹偲汨栧拞墰晹傑偱偺娫妘偑挊偟偔挿偔側傞偙偲偱丆鋅昲婲晹偑懱偺屻曽傊堏摦偡傞偲偄偆柺敀偄摿挜傪傕偭偰偄傑偡乮Machida and Okamura, 1993乯丏
丂幨恀屄懱偼丆1983擭11寧8擔偵崅抦巗屼忯悾嫏峘偺壂崌掙塯偒栐嫏乮戝庤孞傝栐嫏乯偱嵦廤偝傟傑偟偨丏嵦廤摉帪丆杮昗杮偼僆僯僇僋儗僂僆P. ventralis偵摨掕偝傟偰偄傑偟偨偑丆Machida and Okamura (1993) 偵傛偭偰 搚嵅榩偱嵦廤偝傟偨7昗杮偵婎偯偒僶働僆僯僇僋儗僂僆Pyramodon lindas 偲偟偰曬崘偝傟傑偟偨丏埲慜偼崅抦巗偺屼忯悾嫏峘偱僶働僆僯僇僋儗僂僆偑婬偵嵦廤偝傟偰偄偨傛偆偱偡偑丆嵟嬤偱偼尒偐偗傞偙偲偑偁傝傑偣傫丏
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幨恀昗杮丗BSKU 39669, 328 mm SL, 儊僗丆1983擭11寧8擔丆崅抦巗屼忯悾嫏峘乮戝庤孞傝栐乯丏
(C) BSKU Laboratory of Marine Biology, Kochi University